Webcast Instructions

See the next webcast

SEC's Lunchbox Speakers' Series are webcast using Adobe Connect

The webcast will be broadcast live at the time of the event. For the speakers' series, the webcast typically starts between noon and 12:10 pm. View the webcast.

To Join the Event: Sign in as 'Guest' and enter your name.  Once you are signed in, you will see your name listed under participants in the Attendee's box to the right side of the screen.

To Submit Questions/Comments during the event:

  1. Use the Chat pod to compose a chat message
  2. Click the text box in the Chat pod and enter your message
  3. Press Enter or Return.Your name and your message will appear in the Chat pod


To view Social Economy Centre's previous webcast:

You will need RealPlayer in order to view previous webcast. You can download it for free from www.real.com. View previous webcasts.